Artist Marina Gavanski presenting her, "Novak in Winning Action", painting to Novak Djokovic at the Rogers Cup Tournament in Montreal, on August 14, 2011.
Colours of a Woman, Marina Gavanski Zissis Art show, Patron - Embassy of BiH, Ottawa, City Hall, 2013.
Marina's Exhibition at the Serbian Embassy honouring International Women's Day, Ottawa, 2014.
Marina participated at SIDIM - The International Salon of Design in Montreal at Place Bonaventure.
La Métropole Webmagazine
To mark International Women’s Day, Serbian Chargé d’Affaires...
She's sensual, intellectual, and emotional. She is a woman...
Il me ferait plaisir de créer pour vous une œuvre artistique qui témoignerait de votre appréciation ou de votre amour envers une personne spéciale que vous aimez.